Game Development
I attended Full Sail University from 2003 to 2005 and graduated with an associate degree in game development. We programmed everything in C/C++ utilizing various libaries like the STL, Windows MFC, DirectX, and OpenGL. Additionaly got experience working with game engines via Unreal Engine 2 and 3D modeling with Maya. Below are some display captures of class projects that still run nearly flawless on Windows 10.
Above is a WASM port of SmashSGP a small team project from our SGP class where we attempted to recreate the "twin stick arena shooter" arcade game Smash T.V. (SNES version) in roughtly a month. Originally developed in C++ utilizing DirectX 9, in 2022 I updated everything to fully work on Window 10 with modern DirectX 12 components. Then in 2023 I discovered the barebones and performant OLC PixelGameEngine which made cross playform project building a simple process. I ported everything to the PGE while refactoring, fixing bugs and adding features along the way. The result is this short demo written in C++ and compiled to WASM via Emscripten.
Static Screams - University Final Project - 2005
My final graduation project written in C++ using OpenGL for graphics. I was in a team of six classmates where we had two months to create a design document and a small complete game containing a 3D environment, multiplayer, controller support, music and SFX, and a menu. No game engine usage was permitted. My primary responsibilities were the animations, collisions, HUD, and gameplay. Additionally ended up having to write the final object management system. The general premise of the game was the ability to take control over your enemies instead of having restoration abilities or items. The game became an arcade-style shooter due to prior experience with projects in that genre.
Kami House - University OpenGL Project - 2005
My first world building project in our OpenGL class. All models were hand coded except for the ship which was an export from WCVT2POV imported as raw GLvertex array data.
Water Simulation - University Research Project - 2005
A self research project where we were assigned to write a short paper about a programming topic and create a demo to go along with our findings. I chose water simulation not knowing the true difficutly level of this subject and this demo is the result of what I could accomplish in roughly a week.